The Key Center International Church is passionate about training and equipping in the Word of God and the Five-Fold functionality. Our desire is to see lives touched and changed by the presence of God. Our prayer is that you would be inspired to worship wholeheartedly and without reserve as the message of God's unfailing love and power is declared through His Word. Apostle John and Dr. L want you to know that It is a crucial time for the Body of Christ. God is releasing His plans and divine purpose to His Kingdom Minded people. Kingdom dominion and impact will affect everything it touches. It's time to Rebuild, Refill, Revitalize, Reestablish, and Restore God's apostolic leaders in the Body of Christ! We look forward to fellowshipping with you in one of our worship services or training classes.
Apostle John Wesley Williams II - International Prophet, Church Planter, National Evangelist, Author, Radio Broadcaster, and Entrepreneur.
Apostle Williams began fulfilling his call to the ministry in 1991. He was licensed and ordained under the leadership of the late Pastor John H. Alix, of St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church, where he later served as Interim Pastor. Now thirty years later, he is one of God's most accurate, charismatic, prophetic leaders in the country. He oversees The Key Center International Church (TKC). TKC is a nondenominational, multicultural, prophetic ministry that is headquartered in Houston, Texas. His insight for casting vision, planning, directing, and strategizing has put him on the frontline with the 21st-century leaders that God is raising up in the Kingdom.

Apostle John Wesley Williams II is the Co-Founder of the Leadership Center. With more than thirty years of ministry experience, he can be referred to as a "Preacher's Pastor." God uses him to expound the Word of God by giving succinct directions to every person in the simplest form. The prophetic mantle that God has placed on his life has caused him to see the pains and wounds of God's people. Thus, God uses the prophetic mantle in the life of Apostle's Williams to bring healing to the hurting and direction for the lost. He also speaks into the lives of pastors and leaders, by giving them direction and mentorship in what God has given them to do. To reach those around the country, Apostle Williams preaches and teaches the gospel on his online streaming and radio broadcast, "The Key Center Church LIVE and The Key Radio Show." His national and international broadcast has changed and empowered the lives of those around the world. Moreover, His book release entitled, What The Devil Knows About A Woman That Most Men Don't" - has changed the lives of men and women who experience the life-changing principles outlined on every page.
Apostle Williams is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology. He has shared the last 29 years of marriage with the love of his life, his wife, Pastor Dr. Lovenia Williams. They are the proud parents of, Jasmine, Jayla, and Joshua. As a family, they are dedicated to rebuilding and reconstructing lives spiritually, mentally and physically. Apostle Williams has been appointed and anointed by God to deposit a Life-Changing Word in the life of man. There is much to be said about this man of God and it can be summed up in this manner. He is God's Chosen Prophet and the Spirit of the Lord is upon him because He has anointed him to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

National and International Conference Speaker,
Biblical Counselor, Intercessor,
Teacher, Preacher, Mentor, and Visionary Leader
Among many of "The Called", stands one of God’s most treasured daughters. As a national and international
conference speaker, Reverend, Dr. Lovenia Williams, affectionately called “Dr. L” pastors and labors in ministry
alongside her husband, Apostle John Wesley Williams II, of The Key Center International Church.
She is the Visionary Leader for SUM Northwest Houston Bible College and Theological Seminary, which is fully accredited and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and CHEA.
She is the founder of HerTime Ministries. HerTime is a ministry committed to Ministering to the Total Woman inwardly and outwardly from prayer to hair, from cosmetic make-up to a spiritual shake-up, from financially stressed to abundantly blessed, through mentoring and coaching with specialization strategies in re-inventing one’s self, making a comeback, and in soaring to greater heights.
She is the host of the “ReThink You Talk Show,” an empowerment platform designed to usher you into a Shift from a place of Stuck to Success.
Dr. L is the founder, director, and lead counselor of Biblical Counselors of Houston and The Leadership Center. Each is a Counseling and Training Institute, providing professional biblical counseling and chaplaincy services personal development clinics, and five-fold ministry training.
Dr. L’s’ professional and educational resume includes:
Four (4) units of Clinical Pastoral Education and completion of her chaplaincy residency within a local hospital system in the Houston area.
She is a credentialed Biblical counselor with membership in the American Association of Christian Counselors.
She has obtained an Associate of Arts in Business Management with specialization in Human Resources.
Dr. L holds a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling, and she has earned a Doctor of Theology from Cornerstone University through Immanuel Temple School of the Bible.
Pastor, Dr. Lovenia Williams stands as one whom God has enriched with wisdom. She has been appointed and
anointed by God to deposit a Life-Changing Word in the life of man. There is much to be said about this woman of
God and it can be summed up in this manner. She is God’s Elect Woman and her price is far above rubies.